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Pink Sugar

Books by the Author

A Stranger in the Garden

        This book of poems consists of two collections of poetry, written when the author was traveling and living in Mismaloya, Mexico, with his late wife. The poems describe life as seen to a gringo, learning the ways of Mexican life, and how that revolves around the family. Each poem is written in English, with the Spanish translation to the right.

        The author's first foray into the interior of Mexico was spent in Mazatlán. Two weeks spent alone, writing the first collection of poems. It was during this time that the author was giving deep consideration to living in Mexico, as well as the wisdom of bringing what would be his future wife with him. The poetry of this collection reflects the many poems with this woman as subject, and her later inclusion in the second trip, and life in Mismaloya.

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Going to War

    This book is my story, my experience in the Vietnam conflict, a euphemism used instead of the word War. For those who served, would, I believe, tell you that what they experienced was war. Being my story, it is told in first person, being that was how I experienced it. This is a non-fictional accounting of that experience, from boot camp at MCRD, San Diego, CA, through infantry training, troop-ship deployment, and time spent in the Republic of Vietnam with the 2nd Battalion 26th Marines.

         I make no judgments of my experiences, nor embelish for effect. What I had not wanted was a late arrriving “Look at Me!” story. The book’s purpose is to display the effects of war, on the men serviing, the civilians that were caught between waring factions, and the psychological outcome from that conflict on those men who served. Some came away unscathed, many returned to become afflicted with PTSD, and it is this outcome that the final chapter of this book addresses. The demons of PTSD can  be overcome, and that is what I address, and what it was I came to realize, only after 56 years of fighting those dragons. For the men who served; Semper Fi.

The Story of Teeny Tiny Tammy

     Teeny Tiny Tammy is a Fairytale story about a young girl in a mythical forest, who's mother was swept away when she was quite young, leaving her to find the path to womanhood on her own; with the help of three women characters within the "Contrariest Forest". Teeny Tiny Tammy is but six-inches tall, and with the assistance of the cloister of women she meets along the path of her quest, learns the qualities which lead to becoming a woman.

     The "Contrariest Forest" is a place where a girl's quest for womanhood begins, challenges are overcome and dreams realized. The characters are Tammy's cloister of women, gnomes, fairies and a troublesome Troll along the way. A story for young girls, reading about mythical forests, and learning about the qualities of womanhood, finding the answer comes from within.

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Marinating in Dream Sauce

     Dream sauce has always been the providence of those individuals willing to walk on uncertain ground, figuratively speaking, try things that normally elicit a gasp from mainstream types, just to see where that might lead. A real dreamer savors the tantalizing flavors of a thick dream sauce as Don Juan savored the succulence of female flesh in the thralls of passion. Speaking for myself, the dream sauce I gorged on to satiate my burning desires was adventure.

      The adventures I dreamed up didn't all work out according to the original script, yet the adventures remain an endearing legacy of some spicy moments that make up a pretty terrific life, for the most part. I don't dote on painful memories. I'm just the storyteller. What I should tell you about the story that follows is simply, sit back and enjoy the flavor of a dream sauce recipe that has become known as Uncle Bert's Surprise.....

Stranger in Garden
Sleeping Under the Bandstand

     Sleeping Under The Bandstand is a memoir written by my mother, Enola D. Handgis. This memoir is historical in nature being the author's accounting of her life describes places and events that are now but historical memories, socially and personally.The book is comprised of stories my mother has compiled in the oral tradition, describing her personal life growing up in Kansas, her adventures as a young woman hitchhiking to New Orleans and beyond, as well as rich descriptions of social expectations, social habits and historical events and milestones that unfolded during her lifetime.

     This book is an historical ledger of my mother's life, in sometimes painful detail to her adventures, as well as the demons which tormented her. The title; Sleeping Under The Bandstand was my mother's wish, before her death. Befitting, as it was the place she slept under in Chesney Park when she needed refuge from a troubled life at home.The thirteen chapters of this book each contain connected stories, building upon the larger storyline and historical accounting. My mother continued to record stories at my urging until her death, October 15, 2021.

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A Gringo's Tour of Mexico
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"A Gringo's Tour of Mexico"

     This gringo’s tour will take you through thirteen states of Mexico, with your own tour guide leading you through every step necessary to navigate through Mexico as if you had been doing it all your life. All the necessary documentation requirements for travel through Mexico as well. You will come to get a feel for daily life in Mexico and what to expect along the way.

     You will be shown the royal road south, down the pacific coast from Nogales, Arizona to Barra de Navidad, Mexico before turning east towards Mexico City, then north through the highlands and the Sierra Madres. Come take a journey into an enchanted land where gringo’s roam freely, living comfortably with their southern neighbors while finding that special spot that makes itself known at the right time, and that is when the magic begins for the traveler.

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"In the Age of Youth"

     I began writing the poems in this first book of poetry in 1970, when I was a young man, adding to the poetry over the course of ten years. The poems reflect my perception of social affairs of the time, as well as earlier moments in history. These poems are, in my opinion, my best work.

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"Living on Dreams"

      This second book of poetry was written twenty years after the first. These poems were written while I was on my first foray into the interior of Mexico, at Mazatlán, with this first collection of poetry of life as I experienced it, influencing my life by returning to Mexico a year later with my future wife, living near Puerto Vallarta, where the second collection was written.

"The Alchemist's Guide Series

A Photographic Series;

Beginning with Black & White Film & Photo Chemistry

 Plus four books on Hand Coated Processes

"The Alchemist's Guide;
To Black & White Photo chemistry

Principles and Procedures
for Negative & Print Development

     This first book in the series covers the theory and control of black and white film, and the photo chemistry which controls the development and printing of the film. This book includes a full explanation of the negative, the underlying process of development, procedures for controlling the negative, b&w photo chemistry principles and explanations of chemical elements and, practical formulas for today's films and prints

     The book is for any photographer, even novice photographers wanting to learn about the craft of black and white photography, with illustrations and charts for easy understanding. The book also includes a section on developers and toners, as well as a section on Equivalents & Measures for easy reference.

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"The Alchemist's Guide;
To Salted Paper Printing

Printing in Silver
The Principles of The Hand Coated Process

This second book in the "Alchemist's Guide;" series is a step by step guide to making salted paper prints, and an introduction to hand coated printing. One of the easiest and cheapest form of hand coated processes. The salt paper process requires a 2% table salt solution for soaking the printing paper, and a10%-12% solution  of Silver. This is a 'Printing Out' process needing a UV light source, whereupon the image becomes visible during the light development. Washing the print is the only further necessary requirement. Toning the image alters the image color, depending on the toner, as well as extending the archival life of the print.

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"The Alchemist's Guide;
To The Kallitype Print

Printing in Silver
The Principles of The Hand Coated Process

     This book focuses on the Kallitype printing process, as a step by step guide. Everything a printer needs to know to successfully produce a Kallitype print. Beginning with the history, and full process of the craft, to the printing papers and chemistry used. as well as the guidance to understand and utilize printing techniques.

     This hand coated printing process is a developing out process, using UV light before  a developing bath, and clearing bath. This process can mimic a Palladium or Platinum print, with the development process and toning,

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"The Alchemist's Guide;
To Printing in Palladium

Including the Na2 Process

     This fourth book in the "Alchemist's Guide;" series focuses on Palladium printing, the process and technique for controlling the print. There is a section covering the Na2 [double sodium] Platinum/Palladium printing process. Each book in the series is written as a stand alone instructional book focusing on one printing format, or derivation therein, as in the Na2 process. Everything you will need to know about palladium printing is explained in detail.

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"The Alchemist's Guide;
To Printing with Gum

And Gum over Palladium
Printing with Colors

     This fifth and final book of the "Alchemist's Guide;" series is a complete instructional manual for making Gum Dichromate prints, with a full section covering the making gum over palladium prints. This book, like the other books of the series, is a step by step guide through both process and technique of gum printing. Each section of the book focuses on each aspect of the printing procedure, from mixing the gum, preparing the paper, covering the Negative, and sizing formulas.

     A number of gum print images in each section, demonstrate a visual example for the material being covered. For those who have never made a gum print, as well as those who have, and want to further their printing abilities. Also for those printers who have made a palladium print and want to add mood, through color and tonality. The tools needed for making a gum print are simple, inexpensive, and easy to assemble, with drawings of each element showing the end result.


For any media inquiries, please contact the Author:

  Tucson, Arizona  85710

© 2024 by Grant Handgis and secured by Wix

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